Workshops & topics

Browse the topics below to see different ways we address team and leadership dynamics. Through listening and dialogue, we will put together a plan to help your ministry grow into its God-given potentials.

Change is challenging. Explore the spiritual, emotional and relational challenges of change. Investigate processes that can help or hinder the transition. Identify areas that need healing and repair for forward movement. Look at the practicals of church or ministry management.

  • Can be adapted for personal or teams/boards application

  • Ask about how Inspire Possibilities can walk with your church through a pastoral transition

Times of Transition

Dialogue & Decision Making

Move your team from task-oriented projects to community transforming leadership. Learn how to move from bullet point conversations or just talking at each other to listening and speaking from the heart.

  • Ideal for teams, boards or small groups.

  • Presentation time: two - four hours, with each hour being a unique module.

  • Modules may include: Defining Dialogue, Creating a Safe Space, Levels of Listening, Three-Step Dialogue Process, Conflict Management, and hands-on explorations.

Overcome the blocks that threaten your God-given identity and ministry team potential. We are each created with diverse strengths and interests. These differing things can either divide us or help solidify our ministry callings. Learn where conflict commonly occurs and how it often expresses itself. Gain tools to share individual thoughts and concerns without attacking or demeaning others’ identities.

  • Great for couples and ministry teams. Can be used for personal growth.

  • Topics may include: Value systems, Creating a Safe Space, Identity and Personality, Communication Styles, and Fears & Longings

Conflict & Identity

Longings & Fears

Learn how to move from a pattern of actions and reactions to interactions that reflect the true longings of your heart. Discover the unspoken heart spaces that effect team dynamics. Learn how these can create either blocks or bridges in our communication.

  • Ideal for couples, teams, or small groups. Can be adapted to a larger group setting.

  • Presentation Time: two - four hours. More time needed for larger groups.

  • Modules may include: A Scriptural Look at Longing, Creating a Safe Space, The Holy Spirit’s Help, Four Unhelpful Ways of Dealing with Fear, The Tip of the Iceberg, Values, Principles of Personal Responsibility, Elements of Fear Cycling, Follow Your Longings, an interactive look at triggers and reactions, and group role play.

Reviewing the supporting documents that help a church or ministry run smoothly. When was the last time you looked at your organizational documents? Requirements for non-profits are constantly changing. We can help you review policies, procedures, bylaws, handbooks and insurance coverage.

  • Allow 4-6 weeks for review process

  • Requires a point person in church or ministry to assist with this process

  • On site assistance may be available. Contact George Beers for more information.

Policies and procedures

Personal Transformation

Know yourself, Know God. Go deeper in your walk with Christ by getting to know yourself, God and others better. Go beyond transactional relationships to truly transformational ways of living and interacting with each other.

  • Designed for small groups, women’s ministry, team building.

  • Presentation Time: 5 sessions, 3-5 hours. Originally designed in retreat format to include group sessions and personal reflection time.

  • Sessions may include: Defining Transformation, My Story activity, Characteristics of Christian Transformation, Barriers to Transformation, Road Map group activity, Being Known personal activity, Doors to Transformation, Communion Reflection, Packing for the Journey and Love One Another group activity.

We would love to meet with you to discuss the particular needs you, your church teams or your ministry may have. Additional topics and resources available. Let us help you RISE to new heights as you lead others in following Christ.