Here are four main areas of serving we can offer to you and your teams. We look forward to hearing from you.

Discover & Develop

Developing healthy churches and ministries requires an understanding of the communication strategies that create dynamic structures, culture, philosophy and mission.

We approach organizational development as a collaborative dialogue from which arises new ways of thinking, organizing, communicating, and acting. By facilitating your team through reflective processes we help you bring forth Spirit inspired insights that will move your church or ministry forward in God’s unfolding narrative.

Training & Speaking

Your story provides the insights and perspective that inform our tailored and interactive approach to leadership development. We desire to provide training that is Biblical, practical and relational. We are available to speak at workshops, multi-day seminars, and services either in person or remotely.


We build an ongoing relationship that continues to support leadership in developing their story through sustained relationship, fresh resources and continued skill development and coaching.

We provide follow up coaching that helps the individual or team address the practical and spiritual challenges that may arise as they move forward in God’s leading.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a one-on-one process of helping an individual find his or her personal rhythm in their walk with Christ. We serve as a sounding board to the individual. With the Holy Spirit’s direction, the Directee will discover spiritual insight and biblical discernment as they grow in their walk with God. Recognizing that the Holy Spirit is the One who gives direction, the Spiritual Director encourages the person in his or her discoveries about themselves and about God. We believe that our relationship with Christ is the vital, life-giving source of ministry effectiveness.